Rotating pictures of Beautiful Grandchildren

Rotating pictures of Beautiful Grandchildren
Josh, Colette and Calvin - Christmas Eve 2008

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Rash Vow #1 - the Compact

Okay here I go! I began 2008 wondering about my spending habits and consumerism. I was out of sync with Bill who is trying to figure out how soon I can be retired to part-time work and more time with him (so he is in the "pay off all debt - how much do we really need to live" mode.) I, however, was in the "height of my career so I can finally buy what I want" mode. Then I read the following on my son-in-law Greg's blog: Best Rash Decision: Years ago I read an essay by GK Chesterton entitled "A Defense of Rash Vows" and I have occassionally tried to make rash vows so that I might intentionally keep them. This year's rash act was my favorite of all time (probably, though Andrea Bailey's refusal to buy me Coke is a close second). In a rash move I decide to read all of the Harry Potter books, and I managed to do it in a week. This is a spectacular series of books, particularly when you read them in one shot. The growth in the characters and in the writing are phenomenal, and the seventh installment was superb.

So in the back of my mind was that making a rash vow once in awhile is good for you. It is kind of like shock therapy. I realize that I spend too much money and I want to honor my husband and be in sync with him - so I was really ready for an article on the front page of the Mpls. Star Tribune on January 8, 2008 titled - "Could you go a year without buying anything new?" (I am sorry the article can't be retrieved since only articles within the last 14 days are available for free. I have a copy if you want one.) It described a growing movement in the US started by a group of 10 friends in the San Francisco area in 2004 as a rebellion against what they saw as "gluttonous consumerism and its thoughtless destruction of the environment". They made a pledge which they called The Compact (after the creed made by the revoluntaries sho sailed to the US on the Mayflower) in which they would buy nothing new for a year except for a short list containing food, beverages, medicine, underwear and cleaning products. They all found that their year of not buying anything new was life-changing.

This seemed just the ticket for me. So I waited for the 4 days until I went home to tell Bill. I wanted to make sure I was really going to do if I took this "rash vow." I thought and prayed about it and made the following list of how I would control what I spent the most on. Bill was very encouraging about this and we feel much more together on money than we have in a long time. I have enjoyed two paychecks of having money left from my discretionary fund - it is a relief!! We are now actively planning when we will both be retired from full-time work (not for at least 3 years but who's counting!)
You will notice that a couple of food items made it to my list as I was also convicted about the number of plastic bottles of water Bill and I use (even though we religiously recycle them) AND my habit of Starbucks/Caribou Coffees stops for the largest of the latest flavor of course with whipped cream on the top. (When did my brain shift to accepting paying over $4.00 for sweetened cup of coffee?!) One area NOT explained in this article was if you can still make handmade items and garden. I am going to assume YES since they are definitely not into consumerism (sewing and knitting should be okay especially using currently owned supplies) and planting perennials and transplanting pine trees is good for the environment.

Here is what I spend the most on and will not be able to buy new for a year:
  • Books - Borrow from Library/Friends, Re-read all my old favorites which will take a year anyway!
  • Starbucks Lattes - Just ask for a cup of hot water and use my own tea bags which I like better anyway and used to be so proud about doing and never having to pay for.
  • Gifts (The BIGGIE!) Since I love to give my kids and grandkids many, many presents this is a big one. I have already figured out their birthdays for one year and at least Colette's next birthday present. I will give my kids money for gifts and ask if they would consider honoring my pledge not to buy anything new.
  • Bottled H2O - drink my good well water!
  • CLOTHES - (The other real BIGGIE!) - No new this year period!
  • Junk Food - Okay with The Compact but not for me if I want to live as long as Bill!
  • Decorating Items for my home including holiday decorations - Okay how many times do I really have to redecorate. I can live on my purchases from just 2007 for awhile in this catagory (AND in the clothes catagory.)
  • Sisters' Reunion Purchases - Nothing new this year. I spent so much more than everyone else - they were looking for things for me to buy! No more vicarious spending through Laura this year! I can buy at Antique or Used items stores. I will save a lot of money on this one!
  • Photos - Will use up my vast archives and catch up with scrapbooking before I print 2007's end of the year and Christmas photos.
  • New Casual Winter Coat - I have wanted a new casual winter coat for a couple of years. My current one is 7 years old (bought it in Canada when visiting Abby and Greg the winter before Josh was born) and it has a broken zipper and I really don't like the velcro straps to close it. Instead, I am going to remove the zipper and straps and have bought some cool buttons to sew on after I make new buttonholes with my sewing machine. Here is a picture of the coat I was going to get rid of:
I will put another picture on when I have rehabbed this warm coat. Bill says he is really proud of me for this one since it is something he would do - trying to wear something longer and not just buying something new!


  • Computer Ink and Paper
  • Scrapbooking supplies
  • Yarn and Fabric
  • Flowers especially perennials

So this is my first rash vow. I have already gone almost a month without buying anything new except for the buttons for my old coat (which I hope is okay!!) Hey - it is my rash vow!! I will blog my adventure, where I am tempted, where I already see changed attitudes. I already love doing this!! More Later.


MJ Krech said...

Wow! Way go go, Laura! I'm so impressed with your RASH VOW! You have made a worthy Compact. Mom would have loved this and supported you with daily phone calls, I'm sure! Sarah wrote a speech one time called, "My Grandmother, the First Recycler." Raised during the Depression, Mom saved and mended and reused and recycled old things as a matter of necessity. Seeing her daughter take this concept on as a matter of choice warms my heart. I'm not ready to make a similar vow, but you can be sure I'll be following your progress this year with great interest!

You go, girl! I'm proud of you!

christian said...

Wow Mom! So glad you're doing this! (The compact and blogging)Encouraging, challenging, and faith building not only for you but also for us reading and watching.